
Alaskan king crab price

Enter the characters you see below Sorry, we just alaskan king crab price to make sure you’re not a robot. Access from your Country was disabled by the administrator. Alaskan king crab fishing is carried out during the fall in the waters off the coast of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. The commercial catch is shipped worldwide.

Alaskan crab fishing is very dangerous, and the fatality rate among the fishermen is about 80 times the fatality rate of the average worker. It is suggested that, on average, one crab fisherman dies weekly during the seasons. The most popular crab-fishing time occurs between October and January. After 2005, each boat was given a quota based on their catch from previous years and how many crabs are available to catch.

After the 2005 season, the Alaskan crab industry transitioned from a derby-style season to a quota system. This transition is known as rationalization. Under the old derby style, a large number of crews competed with each other to catch crab during a restrictive time window. IFQ system, the fleet shrank from over 250 boats to around 89 mostly larger boats with high quotas. Fishermen use a box-shaped trap called a pot, which consists of a steel frame covered with a nylon mesh. The pot is then brought on board the boat and the crew sorts the catch. Any crabs not meeting the regulation requirements for size and gender are thrown back.

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