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Hannibal is an American psychological thriller television series developed by Bryan Fuller for NBC that aired for 39 episodes from April 4, 2013, until August 29, 2015. Each episode of the first season is named after an element of French cuisine. The season two titles are named after the different elements of Amuse bouche 2013 price haute cuisine.

Shinan: The queasy haute cuisine of NBC’s Hannibal”. Hannibal’ Season 2 Serves Up First Official Photo: Where’s Will Graham? Delicious Hannibal Dish: A Familiar Face Returns, New Season 3 Characters”. Bryan Fuller serves up 11 delicious new spoilers for Hannibal season 3″. Archived from the original on June 17, 2013. Archived from the original on March 7, 2014.

Archived from the original on March 11, 2014. Friday Final Ratings: ‘Shark Tank’ Adjusted Up”. Archived from the original on June 5, 2015. Thursday Final Ratings: ‘Big Brother’ Adjusted Up”. Thursday Final Ratings: ‘Rookie Blue’ Adjusted Up”.

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