
Banana tempura

The watermelon emoji depicts a large slice of watermelon, with luscious red flesh dotted with black seeds, cradled by a green rind. By some accounts, watermelon in dreams symbolizes intellect, love, work and desire, or lust. It can also imply sexuality in a larger sense, and fertility. In the medical world, watermelon is thought to contain an amino acid that could help stimulate blood flow, which makes it a possible boost for banana tempura with erectile dysfunction.

We can think of worse ways to get in the mood than biting into a juicy piece of watermelon! Watermelon, and melon in general, is used in a vulgar way when referencing a woman’s breasts. This is all proves why the watermelon emoji enjoys a double life: it works part-time representing summer’s favorite fruit and part-time in texting and social media to refer to sexual activity or a crude appreciation for a woman’s curves. The watermelon emoji was approved as part of Unicode 6.

0 in 2010 and added to Emoji 1. How lucky I am to have someone like you in my life! From fun in the sun to the endless ways you can enjoy watermelon, social media is full of appealing images and posts that feature the juicy, sweet fruit. Passion for vacation, tropical life, things that are sweet and innocent, romance, and of course one’s love for the fruit itself are all worthy of the watermelon emoji.

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