
Banga soup

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The Urhobos are people located in southern Nigeria, near the northwestern Niger Delta. The Urhobo are the major ethnic group in Delta State, one of the 36 states of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The Urhobos speak the Urhobo language. The word Urhobo refers to a group of people rather than a territory. They have a social and cultural affinity to the Edo people of Nigeria.

East in the Delta and the Bayelsa States of Nigeria. The Ughelli and Agbon Kingdoms are the oldest kingdoms in Urhoboland. The Ughelli and Agbon Kingdoms can be traced to about 14th Century. Oghwoghwa, a Prince from Benin Kingdom. The Okpe Kingdom is also one of the twenty four kingdoms in Urhobo land. The Kingdom has been in existence before the arrival of the Portuguese in the 15th Century.

Urhobo territory consists of evergreen forests with many oil palm trees. The territory is covered by a network of streams, whose volume and flow are directly affected by the seasons. The wet season is traditionally from April to October, and dry season ranges from November to March. The Urhobos are organized into two different political kingdoms, gerontocracies and plutocracies. A gerontocracy is a government run by elders, based on the age-grade-system, while a plutocracy is governed by the rich and wealthy, with some elements of gerontocracy. Although it is not clear which kingship is older among the kingdoms, their developments reached a peak in the 1940s and 50s.

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