
Beer can chicken rub brown sugar

The Spruce Eats: What Are Some Easy Ways to Soften Hard Brown Sugar? Discover simple ways to soften hard brown sugar, plus a few tricks that will keep it from ever hardening in the first place. What Are Beer can chicken rub brown sugar Easy Ways to Soften Hard Brown Sugar?

Erin Huffstetler is a writer with experience writing about easy ways to save money at home. If you are going to use brown sugar in a recipe and your brown sugar in the pantry is already open, it’s a good idea to check its condition a few days before you plan to use it. Spend a few dollars on a brown sugar saver, which is a small piece of terra cotta stone that you wet and put into your brown sugar canister. This baker’s trick works because terracotta is porous and it holds moisture for a really long time when it’s placed in an air-tight container. In fact, you only need to wet it once every few months in order to keep your brown sugar soft. A brown sugar keeper, made by Progressive, is a BPA-free container with a tight-sealing gasket and has a spot on the underside of the lid for a terra cotta disc, which is included.

It holds two pounds of brown sugar so it’s a good size for the job. You might be wondering why brown sugar hardens so quickly. It’s not because you purchased a box that’s been sitting on the shelf for too long. The moisture in brown sugar evaporates much faster than in other similar products and causes the sugar to harden. To remedy this problem, try any one of these tricks.

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