
Beer pong team names

Beer pong, also known as Beirut, is a drinking game in beer pong team names players throw a ping pong ball across a table with the intent of landing the ball in a cup of beer on the other end. Beer pong is played at parties, bars, and at colleges and universities, along with other venues such as tailgating at sporting events. The game was originally believed to have evolved from the original beer pong played with paddles which is generally regarded to have had its origins within the fraternities of Dartmouth College in the U. The origin of the name “Beirut” is disputed.

A 2004 op-ed article in The Daily Princetonian, the student newspaper at Princeton University, suggested that the name was possibly coined at Bucknell or Lehigh University around the time of the Lebanese Civil War. A standard set up for a game of beer pong. Beer pong is usually played with two teams of two to four players each. Each team begins the game by standing at either end of the table behind their rack of cups. Although the game is typically played on either a ping pong table or a folding banquet table, enthusiasts may create a personalized table for use by friends and visitors. In general, this will be a plywood board cut to proper size, sometimes painted with sports, school, or fraternity symbols and given a liquid-proof coating.

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