
Best sauce for pork chops

Say goodbye to dry and flavorless pork chops. With a few simple tricks, you can make juicy and tender pork chops with very little fuss. I love how best sauce for pork chops these are!

The time out of the refrigerator lets you bring the meat up to room temperature, which helps the pork cook more evenly throughout. Use this trick for other cuts of meat like pork tenderloin or steak. 2:Season the chops with salt half an hour before cooking. This way, the salt has a chance to improve the flavor and texture of the meat.

Pork chops are pretty lean, so seasoning with salt before cooking is essential for making the most flavorful chops. 3:Rub the chops with spices and a little bit of flour. Here’s where your favorite spice rub can come in. Alternatively, you can use our spice blend in the recipe below. Whichever you choose, add a little flour to it. Rubbing a small amount of flour over the chops helps to add a flavorful crust.

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