
Best way to reheat pizza

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If you buy through our links, we may get a commission. The Trick to Reheating Your Leftovers so They Taste Good as New Time to ditch the microwave. We’ve compiled the absolute best ways to reheat pizza, fries, noodles and more. I live in Brooklyn where I write about food subscriptions, cooking, kitchen gadgets and commerce. Anything with sesame is my all-time favorite food this week. The Trick to Reheating Your Leftovers so They Taste Good as New”,”description”:”Time to ditch the microwave.

0027ve compiled the absolute best ways to reheat pizza, fries, noodles and more. For reheating leftovers, we can all do better than the microwave. CNET’s collection of practical advice for getting the most out of your home, inside and out. Here are the best ways to reheat every type of cuisine.

I’d also contend that it’s the worst. Aside from foods like soup, plain rice or mashed potatoes, anything that comes out of the microwave is almost certainly going to have a degree of rubberiness that it didn’t have when it went in. Move away from the microwave and toward better leftovers. Most of the methods outlined below take less than two or three minutes. Plus, microwaves are prone to messy explosions.

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