
Blueberry muffin top recipe

These quick and easy Low Carb Blueberry Muffins are tender and blueberry muffin top recipe with blueberry goodness. These sugar-free muffins are made with almond flour so they are perfect for keto, low-carb, gluten-free, Atkins, grain-free, and Paleo diets.

Low Carb Blueberry Muffins-Overhead with butter. Disclaimer: Some of the links on this site are affiliate links which means we make a small commission from any sales to help keep the recipes coming! You do not pay any more. This recipe makes muffins that taste even better than the high carb alternative. Almond flour keeps this recipe low in carbs, but rich in nutrition. Another thing I love about this recipe is that it’s super easy to make.

Just mix the dry ingredients together. Next, whisk the wet ingredients together. After the wet ingredients are blended, stir them into the dry ingredients. Lastly, stir in the blueberries, spoon the batter into muffin tins, and bake! The hardest part is waiting for them to cook!

Low Carb Blueberry Muffins-all stacked up. This cookbook had a basic muffin recipe and then lots of variations you could make with the recipe. The blueberry muffins were one of my favorite variations. I loved experimenting with this recipe. I based the actual recipe for these low-carb blueberry muffins off of my recipe for Low-Carb Almond Cherry Muffins, I made these muffins a little bit less sweet than the cherry muffins as I find that I like my baked goods not quite as sweet as I used to. Low Carb Blueberry Muffins-showing the inside. Can you eat muffins on keto?

Most muffins you buy at the grocery store, pick up at a bakery, or get at a coffee shop are loaded with sugar and white flour. These ingredients make them very high in carbs, so they wouldn’t work on a low-carb or keto diet. A few low-carb bakeries are sprouting up across the country. I’ve also noticed several new low-carb baking companies that ship out baked goods like muffins.

For most of us, if we want low-carb muffins, we need to make them ourselves. I don’t like to think of foods as keto or not keto. The carb level of the food determines how much I can eat of it and stay in ketosis. Thankfully, blueberries, like most berries are fairly low in carbs. According to the USDA one cup of blueberries contains 21 grams of total carbs and 3.

When we subtract the grams of fiber from the total grams of carbohydrates, we find that one cup of blueberries has 17. Now, for most of us who eat a keto diet, eating 17. 4 net grams carbs will kick us out of ketosis. The thing is, we need to think about quantity here. While eating an entire cup of blueberries may be out of the question, a quarter cup of blueberries has only 4.

This is certainly doable for most of us. So, you see, being careful about the quantity makes all of the difference! Low Carb Blueberry Muffins-Out of the oven. The flavonoid plant compound that makes them blue, anthocyanin, gives them many of their health benefits. Eating these flavonoids helps protect our cells from damaging free radicals. These free radicals promote aging and are associated with cancer risk. In addition to anthocyanin, blueberries also contain lots of vitamins and minerals.

They also freeze well, so they’re a perfect option if you want to make them ahead. I like to make a batch and freeze them and take out single muffins whenever I want. I pop a few in an airtight container for a snack on a road trip or a breakfast at a hotel. I love eating these Low-Carb Blueberry Muffins for breakfast or as a snack. Sometimes I slather them with butter, and other times I just eat them without anything. Low-Carb Blueberry Muffins These quick and easy Low Carb Blueberry Muffins are tender and bursting with blueberry goodness. In a medium bowl, whisk together almond flour, salt, baking powder, and granulated sweetener until completely combined.

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