
Boneless beef bottom round steak

Photo by David Benbennick licensed under CC BY-SA 3. Eating too much of just about boneless beef bottom round steak isn’t necessarily good for the body.

As much as we love thick, tasty steaks for dinner, it’s a good idea to remember that a serving size of beef is only 3-oz. If eating steak and staying healthy are equally as important to you, then finding the leanest, best cuts of beef can help you succeed at both. Let’s preface this by saying that steak and other red meats can be healthy for you when you eat lean cuts and stick to the right portion size. In fact, red meat contains loads of healthy vitamins that do everything from assist and replenish the red blood cells in your body to boost your immune system. Eating lean slabs of steaks may also lower bad cholesterol in the body.

And, the little fat that lean cuts do have are mostly monounsaturated fats, which are healthy fats for the body! The point is that steaks shouldn’t scare you away. Most people can have a small portion of lean beef a couple of times a week without worrying about adverse effects on their heart, weight, etc. We know that low-in-fat beef is the best you can have because that means there’s little fat content in the meat. That’s one of the reasons why chicken breast and fish are in credibly helpful for our bodies: they have very little fat content! In the United States, the USDA regulates the labels on steaks.

USDA approved that messaging for the package. To be fair, you can make almost any steak a bit healthier by trimming unnecessary fat from its edges and cooking it in olive oil instead of butter. Stick to the diet guidelines of no more than 6-ounces of lean meat a day and you’re already off to an excellent, healthy start! However, this cut is jam-packed with around 50 grams of protein, which is slightly more than most other lean cuts of steak. The top round is a moderately-lean cut of beef that comes from the hip area. It remains pretty tender but without the fat content that tends to make steaks more tender.

It’s super-flavorful, too, making it a top choice among health enthusiasts. This low-fat cut is full of muscle since it comes from the rear leg of cattle, which moves a lot. For this reason, the bottom round can be chewier than other meats. Marinating it for a few hours before you cook it can do wonders for its flavor and texture. It’s also a very budget-friendly cut. Although shaped like a tenderloin, you won’t get the tenderness of a tenderloin from the eye of round, but it works great as a marinated steak or a pot roast. Did you know that Chicago Steak Company has bone-in and boneless pork chops and marinated chicken breasts, which are also excellent options for healthy meals?

You can order them from the website and have them shipped straight to your door in a few days for a no-fuss shopping experience. Benefits of Eating Red Meat: Can Steak Boost Your Health? What is the Reverse Sear Method, and Why is it Highly Liked? Organic Beef, Is it Really Organic? Wet aged Vs Dry Aged Steak: What’s the Difference?

Welcome to Steak University where we are dedicated to educating you about steak, cooking, and nutrition while having fun! This is a place where delicious steak recipes will be posted, entertaining cooking videos can be watched, educational articles about beef can be read and top steakhouse reviews are available. So take some time to browse around and enjoy yourself. Since you’re joining us here on Steak University, you value a great steak. Great steaks come from great traditions of cooking tips getting passed down through generations. There’s a reason several steak cooking methods have continued to live on in the world of steaks. The beef is either bred in Japan, or authentically bred in the United States through a controlled breeding program that mirrors the breeding tactics used in Japan.

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