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Learn how healthy and tasty options determined. Didn’t find what you’re looking for? Try checking our list of discontinued Wendy’s items. Aren’t Salads Supposed to be healthy? Warning: For medical or nutritional advice, do not rely on this site. Please consult a dietician or medical doctor instead.

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This page has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved or endorsed by the companies represented herein. This includes personalizing content and advertising. It’s also not fun to have to do it when you’ve been eating without caution the majority of your child and adult life. In my case, when my first baby developed intolerances to dairy, soy and eggs, I made the decision to figure out how we could move forward with breastfeeding while keeping her tummy happy. II quickly realized is that it wasn’t easy to figure out how to make this change in my diet overnight. I spent hours and hours searching through grocery stores, facebook groups, blogs and talking to friends who had dealt with the same issue.

I couldn’t find a single master list to start from, so I thought I would pay it forward and combine everything I’ve learned into one single post for anyone else facing these dietary issues. Hope this helps and hang in there! You used to know what you ate everyday, but now everything is different. Trying to figure out which foods contain dairy, soy, etc can be a real pain. Especially when you’re an exhausted mamma trying to get some sleep. I hope you find some rest in finding this resource. Or even better, just add to cart and get it all delivered to your door.

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