
Cream cheese icing for carrot cake

If you use a low-fat version, the icing will just run off the cake. Carrot cake is beautifully moist, so keeps well. If your kitchen is warm, store the cream cheese icing for carrot cake in the fridge. FOOD recommends: you’ll need two sandwich tins for this recipe: this loose-based tin was developed by Mary Berry for Lakeland.

In a large bowl, combine all the ingredients for the cake mixture. Spoon the mixture evenly between the tins. Put the cakes in the oven and bake for about 35 minutes, or until golden brown, risen, and shrinking away from the sides of the tins. Transfer to a wire rack to cool. Make the icing: measure the butter, icing sugar, cream cheese, and vanilla extract into a bowl and whisk using a hand or electric whisk until smooth and thoroughly blended. Spread half the icing on one cake, sit the other cake on top, and spread the remaining icing on top to make a swirl pattern.

Decorate the top of the cake with the halved walnuts. This recipe is from Mary Berry’s Cookery Course, published by DK. Do you want to comment on this article? Limited, a company registered in England and Wales. Never fail classic cream cheese icing. Mix together Tararua Butter and cream cheese until creamy.

Beat in the Chelsea Icing Sugar. Spread on top of the cake or muffins. What did you think of this recipe? I should have checked the ingredients!

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