
Creme de abacate

This article creme de abacate about a liqueur. For the Scandinavian professional title for lawyers, see Advokat. For the Dutch football manager, see Dick Advocaat.

Dutch alcoholic beverage made from eggs, sugar, and brandy. The rich and creamy drink has a smooth, custard-like consistency. Two theories have been put out on the origins of “advocaat”. According to several makers, such as Verpoorten and Bols, and the Oxford companion to Sugar and Sweets, its origins can be traced back to “abacate”, an alcoholic beverage of the indigenous people in Brazil, which was made with avocado. Dutch word for lawyer in the sense of solicitor. As the name of the drink, it is short for advocatenborrel, or ‘lawyers’ drink’. Jars and wide mouth bottles of thick advocaat are sold mainly in the Netherlands and Belgium, though may be available in Germany and Austria.

Further exports are of a more liquid version. In particular the original thick variety, i. In the export variety both parts of the eggs are used. Rompope of Mexico and sabajón of Colombia are very similar liqueurs based on egg yolk and vanilla. Snowball is a drink made with Advocaat and lemonade, with ice cubes and a slice of lime, topped off with a cherry. Subaru’s EJ208 engine was a 2. 0-litre horizontally-opposed petrol engine with sequential turbochargers.

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