
Creme de violette

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If you’re invited to a ball or other social function and the invitation includes the French phrase costume de rigueur, you are expected to adhere to a very strict dress code—typically, a white tie and tails if you’re a man and a floor-length evening gown if you’re a woman. How to Pronounce It, Spell It, and Use It in a Sentence If you want to use de rigueur in conversation pronouncing it correctly is de rigueur. Click here to find out how. The vowels of its final syllable are trickiest. It may help to remember other French borrowings that end in eur, such as amateur, chauffeur, and entrepreneur.

And of course the last four letters of liqueur match de rigueur perfectly. De rigueur has been used as an adjective in English for almost two centuries now, which means that it’s established enough to appear in running text without italics. It’s foreign-sounding enough, though, that people can feel tentative about using it. Apply it where synonyms like proper, correct, and decorous are at home. Anglophone parents worry that being too strict will break their kids’ creative spirits. A visiting American mother was shocked when she saw a playpen in our apartment in Paris. Apparently, back home, even playpens are now seen as too confining.

Being in the business of writing about cocktails and bars, I often find myself in some pretty swank digs—various “mixology” dens where the elaborate drinks require complex techniques, house-made bitters and farm-to-table infusions are de rigueur, and the bartender has achieved celebrity-chef star status. How did a phobia of literature become de rigueur in the outlook of literature’s creators? Sandals are de rigueur when a foot covering is needed. Eric Jay Toll, Chron, 7 Dec.

Savory notes popped out in some of the wines, in the face of thyme, sage and bay, while the various combinations of red fruit and spice in the Grenache made a bit of cranberry sauce with a bite of anything else de rigueur. Like a large portion of 20th century Patriots history — those decades before Super Bowl rings and duck boat parades became our gridiron de rigueur — time has placed Coates on the back shelf of memories of even some of the most ardent Patriots fans. Clifford’s cocktails are nostalgic throwbacks to 19th-century Paris, when aromatic liqueurs and spirits like Chartreuse, crème de violette and absinthe were de rigueur. Covid tests and vaccination cards are as de rigueur as corsages and boutonnieres. Women have stepped down from the high heels once considered de rigueur. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘de rigueur. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors.

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