
Crockpot round steak recipes

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Dealing with steak may be intimidating to some. For instance, techniques like roasting, searing, and broiling can be overwhelming to learn. Also, getting the right doneness at a certain temperature can be frustrating. Luckily enough, it doesn’t have to be that way. This eye of round steak recipe teaches classic pan-searing techniques to cook tender steak. Eye of round steak comes from the rear leg of the cow.

And as the meat comes from the hind leg, it is a lean cut with low-fat content. Meaning, you can still enjoy this cut of meat while under a stricter diet. The eye of round steak is easily overlooked because of its toughness. But it’s actually not difficult to ensure the steak comes out tender without resorting to marinades.

And that is to simply avoid moving your steaks too much while they’re cooking, and to make sure you cook it fast. Medium-rare is the best level of doneness for eye of round steaks. If you’re new to cooking steak, this is a great recipe to start. Also, while we are already using rosemary to add fragrance to the steak, you can also make a gravy to give the steak even more flavor. Indeed, our savory gravy made from beef broth will definitely give greater depth to this simple steak.

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