
Dragon fruit smoothie recipe

Lychee is dragon fruit smoothie recipe tropical fruit with a bumpy, red peel and white, sweet interior similar to a grape. They taste like a mix of strawberry and watermelon. Darlene Schmidt is a cookbook author and culinary teacher who specializes in Thai cuisine.

In Asia, the lychee fruit is prized for its greater proportion of flesh to peel and is most often eaten on its own. Also called a lychee nut, the fruit is comprised of three layers: the reddish husk, white flesh, and brown seed. Although the exterior looks leathery and tough, it’s very easy to remove using just your fingers. This will reveal a white interior with a glossy sheen and firm texture, similar to a grape. To prepare a lychee, remove the husk and the stone.

If you are simply eating the lychees out of hand, you can place the entire white ball of flesh in your mouth and then spit out the seed. Your thumbnail works best for piercing open the bumpy outer “alligator skin. Once you uncover the fruit, gently peel the skin back, similar to the technique used to peel an orange. If you’re preparing lychee for use in a recipe, peel the fruit, then carefully score it in half to reveal the stone or seed. Use your finger and thumb to pinch and slightly dig under the other side of the stone to remove the seed.

The flavor of lychee fruit is described in a few different ways. Some say it tastes like a cross between a strawberry and a watermelon, while others taste a blend of citrus and rose water or other floral note, owing to the fruit’s sweet, strong aroma. Because of the fruit’s unique flavor, serving it on its own is the most popular preparation. Lychee pairs well with tropical fruit like mango, coconut, banana, passion fruit, and pineapple, so keep that in mind when using your lychee nuts.

Depending on where the lychee comes from, the season will range from May through September. Otherwise, visit your local Asian market or purchase vacuum-sealed or canned lychee online. Check for ripeness by gently pressing on the skin with your thumb — it should feel a little bouncy. Ripe lychee should be vibrant in color and free of blemishes and soft spots.

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