
Earth bowl

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For the measurement of time of one rotation, see Day. Earth Day is an annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. 1 billion people in more than 193 countries. The first Earth Day was focused on the United States. In 1990, Denis Hayes, the original national coordinator in 1970, took it international and organized events in 141 nations. On Earth Day 2016, the landmark Paris Agreement was signed by the United States, the United Kingdom, China, and 120 other countries. Numerous communities engaged in Earth Day Week actions, an entire week of activities focused on the environmental issues that the world faces.

On Earth Day 2020, over 100 million people around the world observed the 50th anniversary in what is being referred to as the largest online mass mobilization in history. On January 28, 1969, a well drilled by Union Oil Platform A off the coast of Santa Barbara, California, blew out. More than three million gallons of oil spewed, killing more than 10,000 seabirds, dolphins, seals, and sea lions. As a reaction to this disaster, activists were mobilized to create environmental regulation, environmental education, and Earth Day. On the first anniversary of the oil blowout, January 28, 1970, Environmental Rights Day was created, and the Declaration of Environmental Rights was read.

It had been written by Rod Nash during a boat trip across the Santa Barbara Channel while carrying a copy of Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence. President Richard Nixon and First Lady Pat Nixon plant a tree on the White House South Lawn to recognize the first Earth Day. The seeds that grew into the first Earth Day were planted by Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson. An ardent conservationist and former two-term governor of Wisconsin, Nelson had long sought ways to increase the potency of the environment as a political issue. Teach-Ins had been held on hundreds of college campuses to debate the war in Vietnam. Nelson asked public interest lawyer Anthony Roisman to establish a non-profit, Environmental Teach-In, Inc. On September 20, 1969, Senator Nelson first announced his plans for an “environmental teach-In” in a little-publicized talk at the University of Washington.

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