
Hot sauce recipe

This bread pudding with hot butter rum sauce is the best bread pudding I’ve ever had! The sauce alone will change your life. Bread pudding with hot butter rum sauce on a plate with a fork. Featured comment The hot butter rum hot sauce recipe is truly out-of-this-world AMAZING.

It’s so easy to put together. For the rum, I used Coconut rum, and it was divine. This is one of my favorite breakfast recipes, ever ever ever. One quick question: is this breakfast? In my house, today, it was breakfast.

Bread pudding with hot butter rum sauce in a clear baking dish. One thing that should never be allowed to happen in the universe is waking up early on a non-work day. The neighborhood dogs here in the Philippines need a lesson in the rules of the universe because this morning they woke me up at 6am. After laying in bed and thinking villainous thoughts about how to get my hands on a few dog tranquilizers, intermingled with a few spiteful thoughts about how in the world Bjork can sleep through their barking and how he’s getting way more sleep than me which is SO not fair, I decided to get up. But you know what I always say? The early bird gets the sauce.

Hot butter rum sauce in a white dish with a spoon. Bread pudding with hot butter rum sauce on a white plate. This is the epitome of bread pudding. It’s so easy, so cozy, and so sticky in a way that can only be good with bread pudding. It’s so filled with juicy rum and butter raisins which I will make an exception for this time, and so perfect for soaking up a little something named Hot Butter Rum Sauce. Which, in and of itself, makes this recipe worth your while.

Bread pudding with a drizzle of hot butter rum sauce. I guess there are a few good things about getting up early and mostly they are delivered on a fork and dripping with sugar. Bread pudding with dripping hot butter rum sauce on a plate and a fork. For the bread pudding, cut or tear bread into pieces and place in a large bowl. Stir constantly until sugar is dissolved. Pour over bread and allow to soak for 30 minutes.

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