
How many cups is 10 oz

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Conversion formula The conversion factor from tablespoons to cups is 0. 062500000000211, which means that 1 tablespoon is equal to 0. To convert 4 tablespoons into cups we have to multiply 4 by the conversion factor in order to get the volume amount from tablespoons to cups. We conclude that 4 tablespoons is equivalent to 0. Alternative conversion We can also convert by utilizing the inverse value of the conversion factor. In this case 1 cup is equal to 3. Approximate result For practical purposes we can round our final result to an approximate numerical value.

An alternative is also that one cup is approximately four times four tablespoons. Conversion units The units involved in this conversion are tablespoons and cups. A tablespoon is a large spoon used for serving or eating. In many English-speaking regions, the term now refers to a large spoon used for serving, however, in some regions, including parts of Canada, it is the largest type of spoon used for eating. By extension, the term is used as a measure of volume in cooking.

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