
How to make breaded chicken

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Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 105 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 1,622,060 times. Fried chicken is popular because it’s tasty and it can be eaten both freshly cooked or cold as a picnic food or cold-plate snack. Fried chicken is so popular that it’s often part of the menu of many fast food and restaurant chains and indeed, of all meats, it is only chicken that tends to be fried on a regular basis.

Properly done, fried chicken is totally delectable, which explains why it’s a taste few are willing to give up! Making fried chicken at home has a number of benefits. You control the quality of the ingredients, meaning that you can use the freshest possible and you can opt for organic chicken if you wish. Also, you can vary the ingredients to taste. And it’s highly likely that everyone will want to eat the chicken at the family table, so it’s a sure-fire winner for mealtime. This article provides several variations of fried chicken that you can try.

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