
Otis spunkmeyer muffins

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Check out our Instagram page for even more yummy pics and DIY ideas for dessert recipes! Curious about all things Otis Spunkmeyer? Want homemade recipes, dessert ideas and more? Want to keep up with all things Otis?

See what’s inside the Cookie Jar to get the latest on fun new recipes, entertaining ideas, news from Otis Spunkmeyer and more! Video Zone Visit our video gallery for recipe inspiration and to learn more about our delicious snack foods. Is it a taco that’s a cookie? Or a cookie that’s a taco? We’re not quite sure either, but we know it’s tasty!

Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Cups Three Ways! At Otis Spunkmeyer, we’ve been dedicated to baking, experimenting, and creating delicious baked goods for over 40 years. We are forever committed to making better treats with fewer ingredients and none of the funky stuff. Whether it’s a question, suggestion or just a hello, we are always excited to hear from our customers.

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