
Oven baked burgers

How to cook trout in the oven. This oven baked trout oven baked burgers incredible easy to make.

The baked fish is tender, juicy, and flavorful thanks to lemon and herbs. If you’re thinking that, too, stop. When it comes to shopping for trout, it’s easy to find trout that is already cleaned and butterflied. By butterflied I mean that the fish is opened up down the middle, but still has the halves attached. Buying the trout butterflied allows us to add a few fresh ingredients to the middle. In our stuffed trout recipe below, we add lemon slices and lots of fresh herbs to the middle. Since we are adding so much flavor to the packets, there isn’t much need for a marinade or additional seasonings.

To make the packets, we use heavy duty foil. How Long Does It Take To Bake Trout in the Oven? The bake time depends on how large your fish is. In our recipe below, we call for small to medium rainbow trout and find that they take between 10 and 15 minutes in our kitchen. If you have extra large fish or a steelhead trout, the bake time will be longer.

Use our tips for checking for doneness as a guide. By the way, you could put the trout packets on a grill instead. I’ve shared a note for temperature and cook time in the recipe below. How To Fillet Cooked Trout In the video above, we show you how to fillet your trout once it has finished baking. It’s really easy — and I think, much easier than when the fish is raw. I use a spoon and butter knife to do it.

Here are the basic steps I follow. Since the fish is cooked, they come away easily. Press the knife into the soft flesh just before the head and cut up to the bone. Repeat this with the soft flesh just before the tail.

Just cut up to the bone. Pull the tail up and away the fish. By doing this the spine and bones will come away with it. Clean all the fillets of small bones and transfer to a plate for serving. Since posting this in 2009, we have tweaked the recipe to be more clear.

Baking rainbow trout in foil packets helps the fish cook perfectly. While they bake, juices form at the bottom of the packet. This is delicious when spooned over the cooked trout when serving. Heat the oven to 400 degrees F. Cut two sheets of heavy duty aluminum foil that are larger than your fish. Place trout, skin side down, on each piece of foil.

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