
Pumpkin garland

Melissa Mayntz is a bird expert, certified Master Pumpkin garland, writer, and author with over three decades of experience. Melissa has studied hundreds of bird species around the world, traveling to Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, the central Pacific, the Middle East, and more on birding expeditions.

The Spruce: Add an Edible String Bird Feeder to Your Trees – Easy Feeding! Feed winter birds with this easy cranberry garland DIY project. Includes a list of good foods and tips for hanging the garland. Add an Edible String Bird Feeder to Your Trees – Easy Feeding!

Only simple supplies are needed to make an edible garland for the birds. A needle with a large eye, such as a tapestry needle, is essential, and it should be strong enough to pierce different foods that will be part of the decoration. Yarn, string, ribbon, or twine is the best material for holding the garland, though sturdy upholstery thread is also suitable. A variety of different foods can be strung to create an edible garland that birds will enjoy, but choose foods that are suitable for the exact birds in your yard. Cranberry garlands are popular, and fruit may add attractive spots of color to the garland.

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