
Ricotta cannoli

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There are two schools of thought as to which cannoli filling recipes are the best. Some say using ricotta is the best. And others say using mascarpone is the best. The mascarpone filling recipe is easier. And really, it’s not TOTALLY mascarpone – it does have a bit of ricotta too. Because you won’t find all chef’s agreeing on the most authentic, or best filling – I list both filling recipes here.

OK, I know that’s not true – but I feel appeased. NOTE: I need a bit more cornstarch. I’d advise whole milk if you aren’t on any health restrictions. This is optional – my kids actually hope I DON’T add it! In a bowl, slowly whisk 1 cup of the milk into the cornstarch until it becomes smooth. Put mixture into sauce pan and add the remaining milk and sugar to the milk-starch. Stir over a low heat until it is thick and smooth.

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