
Valentine gift ideas for grandkids

When valentine gift ideas for grandkids think about why we love our moms, it’s hard to pinpoint just one reason. Moms can be caretakers, teachers, coaches, doctors, therapists, snack-holders, personal assistants, friends and more.

And while we love them for the big stuff, like never giving up on us or teaching us how to believe in ourselves, all the little things they do hold a special place in our hearts as well. I wouldn’t be here without her. She taught me to stand up for others. No matter what, she is in my corner. She could always find my shoes. Whenever something good or bad happens, she’s the first one I want to tell.

She helps watch my kids so I can have a career. She connects me to my childhood and my roots. She lets me know that I make her proud. She sends me links every day so I always know what’s going on in the news. She brags to her friends about my accomplishments. She tries to keep up with technology so she can connect with me. She knows every family recipe by heart.

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